Unique Updates April 2016
Spring has (almost) sprung!

Looking for a way to get some extra Professional Development this month? Take a look at what INFINITEC has to offer!
To find a description and register, please click on the link provided by the webinar title and date. To register for future webinars, please go to www.myinfinitec.org and login.
April Webinars (Central Time)
-Transition From School to Adult Life: There's an App for That!(Archived) By Rocky Nichols, Executive Director, Disability Rights Center of Kansas
April 7th - 3:30-4:30
-Technologies for Accessing Electronic Information: Visually, Tactilely and Auditorily (Archived) By Dr. Ike Presley, TVI, CLVT, National Project Manager, American Foundation for the Blind
April 11th - 3:30-4:30
-Intervention Using the Core Vocabulary Exchange System: Evidence-Based Methods and Therapy (Archived for 2 Weeks Only) By Megan Brazas, MS, CCC-SLP, and Renee Bourke, MS, CCC-SLP
April 12th - 4:00-5:00
Google Calendar Tips & Tricks (Archived) By Lynda S. Hartman, M.A., M.L.S.; Educator/Consultant on the Integrated Technology Support Team at Northern Suburban Special Education District (NSSED)
April 14th - 3:30-4:40
-AAC Integration in the Classroom (Archived 4 weeks only) by Pati King-DeBaun, M.S. CCC-SLP
April 19th - 3:30-4:30
-What Students and Professionals Need to Know Before Transitioning To Employment (Archived) By Laurea Owens, President of TransCen & Richard Brown, VP, UCP-Seguin
April 20th - 3:30-4:30
- EPR ("Every Pupil Responds"): Tools and Strategies for Limited or Unreliable Speakers in Inclusive and Special Classrooms (Archived) By Dr. Joanne Cafiero, Teacher, Autism Specialist & National Speaker
April 21st - 3:30-4:30
-Resources for All Learners: A Guided Tour of myinfinitec.org(Archived) By Jenn Skalitzky, Assistive Technology Facilitator, Infinitec
April 26th - 3:30-4:30
-Executive Functions: Organization and Time Management for Student Success By Karen Janowski, Assistive & Educational Technology Consultant
April 28th - 3:30-4:30
SCRED August Course Catalog Release
We are excited to announce that the 2016 SCRED August Course Catalog is posted on the SCRED website and registration is live. Please click here to view the wide variety of professional learning opportunities to be provided during August 2016! Please register as soon as possible.

The final paperwork party will be held on Tuesday, April 12 at Hinckley Elementary and North Branch Area High School from 4 - 8 p.m. There is still time to register. We hope to see you there!

Congratulations to our trivia winners from FEBRUARY! They are:
- Laurie Helmin, Pine City Elementary
- Tara Haase, Lakeside Elementary
Thanks for participating and good luck this month! Please email Nicole Jack ([email protected]) with your answers.
The questions for this month are:
- What are the letters IEP an acronym for?
- When is the next paper work party?
- What federal office guides the work of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)?
From all of us at the St. Croix River Education District, enjoy your summer! We hope it is a time of rest and renewal.