
intervention videoFast, one-stop data entry that puts accessible graphs at the whole team’s fingertips.

eduCLIMBER makes data entry super efficient — you can pull up a spreadsheet and update a ton of student graphs all at once.

It also makes that progress monitoring data accessible to the educators who need it, when they need it.


✅ Creating Interventions 

The headings below match the 'Create Intervention' panel in eduCLIMBER and they'll walk you through every step. We encourage you to split screen so you can easily reference these directions while you're using eduCLIMBER.

create intervention panel

⚠️ Time saving tip: If you closely follow the directions below, you'll be able to 🎥 enter your data "the fast way" instead of being stuck hunting-and-pecking. 


Unique Setups

When you set up a "graph" in eduCLIMBER, you're actually creating and linking two things: (1) an Intervention and (2) a Monitor.

puzzle pieces

Intervention plan lets you document adjustments to the intervention (AKA "phases"). If applicable, you can also track attendance and/or fidelity.

1 or more Monitor(s) (graphs) are linked to each Intervention. You can visually analyze your progress monitoring data and make data-based decisions.


Post-Setup: Enter "Baseline" Data

🛑 After you set up your graph, enter your first data point to make sure it's an accurate reflection of the student's current performance (e.g., the baseline of their IEP goal). Here's a 🎥 SpEd-focused explanation of why and howNOTE: If you're using the special Point Sheet graph setup, this does not apply.



📈 Managing Interventions


Students Entering/Exiting Intervention Groups

⚠️ This does not apply to SpEd interventions because they are created around individual students and single IEP goals (i.e., they are not "groups"). ⚠️ If you're using the behavior point sheet graphs (i.e., for a Check-In/Check-Out program), currently you cannot add students to existing intervention groups. 


SpEd-Specific Tasks



🧰 Fixing Errors

⚠️ If you are using FastBridge — if you need to change intervention details (e.g., start/end dates), make changes in eduCLIMBER, not FastBridge. Why? After you complete the initial setup and linking between FastBridge and eduCLIMBER, changes in FastBridge will not flow over to eduCLIMBER.


Related Topics

Add your students to a Meeting so you can easily review their graphs + their grades, assessments, discipline incidents, and attendance data.

Tech Support

Email [email protected] to submit a support ticket. Support staff at the SCRED office will address your issue ASAP and wrap in a Services Coordinator if needed.

You can also check out eduCLIMBER's page on Interventions or on Point Sheet Interventions.

If you'd like someone to look over a graph you've set up to make sure you didn't miss any details, please reach out to the appropriate Services Coordinator (below) with a message along these lines: "I've set up [student/group]'s [skill type] graph. Can you please check it out to make sure I got the details correct?"

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