We use Teaching Strategies (TS) GOLD to assess developmental progress for 3-5 year old students enrolled in preschool.
GOLD measures whole-child data in 10 areas: Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Social Studies, The Arts, and English Language Acquisition.
GOLD is an authentic observation-based tool. Adults rate the student based on natural observations of students' ordinary, everyday experiences working and playing and on contrived tasks/situations that are deliberately presented to the student.
Log In
Open the MyTeachingStrategies website and enter your username and password. Your username = your school email address. You customize your password when your account is created.
Understanding Student Ratings
GOLD's color-coded bands show the widely held expectations for students at different age/grade-levels. We compare the color-coded bands with the numerical rating of the student's performance to determine if the student is Below Expectations, Meets Expectations, or Exceeds Expectations.
There are 75 items on TS GOLD. Check out the examples below, which illustrate how one of those 75 items would be rated and what that rating would mean.

This is what it looks like when a 4-year-old student is rated "Meets Expectations."

This is what it looks like when a 4-year-old student is rated "Below Expectations."
To view all of the 75 items on TS GOLD and their color bands of expected development, check out the Objectives for Development and Learning. The TS GOLD website can generate a variety of useful reports at the student-, classroom-, or program-level.
When you view GOLD data in eduCLIMBER, the numbers you see are the ratings (0-13) of the student's development on each item.
The colors tell you if the rating number is Below Expectations (RED), Meets Expectations (GREEN), or Exceeds Expectations (BLUE).
Related Topics
Learn about the Assessments that all SCRED member districts complete. You can also learn about the Measurement Committee that provides input on which measures are completed when.
Tech Support
When students need to be added to TS GOLD or any changes to their account need to be made, please use the SCRED TS GOLD Add/Change Form. Thank you!
If you run into technical difficulties, email [email protected] to submit a support ticket. Support staff at the SCRED office will address your issue ASAP and wrap in a Services Coordinator if needed.