Special Education

cmrDue Process Procedure

The majority of our guidance on SpEd due process is hosted on our separate Case Manager Resources (CMR) website.

CMR is a SpEd manual in website form; its focus is paperwork (e.g., IEPs, evaluations) and related tasks (e.g., IEP meetings, MA billing).

Local SpEd Guidelines

These guidelines provide procedural guidance regarding how various topics are addressed in our member districts. Through SCRED's collaborative decision making process, these guidelines are reviewed and approved by our Superintendents' Operating Committee and Governing Board.


Request Resources

Supplies and Equipment

Once you submit a SpEd Supplies and Equipment Request Form, you will receive a confirmation email and an email will also be sent to your Special Services Supervisor (SSS).

The SSS will complete the second part of the form, and you will then be notified by email if your request was approved or denied. If it is approved, a copy of the approval is also sent to your Building Principal and your district's Business Manager. 

Time for Collaborative Planning

Do you need funding in order to gather educators to work on a planned or unanticipated project? Funds can be accessed through the Collaborative Planning Project. When you're ready, submit a proposal for funding.

Test Protocols

School Psychologists use the School Psych Test Protocol Order Request to request protocols for tests like the WJ, WISC, etc.

Paraprofessional Needs Assessment

The Request for Para Evaluation process may be used when special education staff are considering the need for an additional paraprofessional position.


Disability Categories

Click one of the 13 categorical disabilities below to access disability-specific information and resources for educators and families.


TSES Plans

Total Special Education System (TSES) plans are maintained for each of our member districts in accordance with Minnesota Rule 3525.1100. These plans also include an assurance for compliance with the federal requirements pertaining to districts’ special education responsibilities found in United States Code, title 20, chapter 33, sections 1400 et seq., and Code of Federal Regulations, title 34, part 300.



Related Topics

  • Visit our Databases page to learn about SpEd Forms, TRAX, eduCLIMBER, and other websites that special educators in our member districts use every day.
  • Learn about our Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) and more school, community, county, and state resources for parents/guardians.


Click MoreIf Special Education Teachers, School Psychologists, and other SpEd stakeholders need consultation or problem-solving, our Special Services Supervisors (SSS) and Director of Special Education are happy to support.

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