We are proud to serve six school districts in east-central Minnesota: Chisago Lakes, East Central, Hinckley-Finlayson, North Branch, Pine City, and Rush City.
As an organizational structure, we manage shared services between our member districts and other governmental service units in Chisago and Pine Counties. Our primary purpose is to increase students' and staff's educational opportunities through cooperation. We act primarily as a service agency and only provide services to schools as identified and requested by our member school districts.
The mission of SCRED is "Maximizing outcomes through partnership." We are committed to helping our member districts provide all students with quality instruction designed to meet their unique needs and developing students who are college and career ready.
Through partnership, our member school districts are better able to provide educational opportunities for students, in an efficient and effective manner. Administrative and service costs are reduced and member districts are assured of fiscal equity because of the organization's formal, uniform, and consistent policies, procedures, and service agreements relating to shared staff and programs.
Most SCRED programs are funded using money made available by the school districts to pay for shared programs. Member districts are represented on the SCRED governing board by a member of the local district board. Superintendents serve in an ex-officio capacity to the board and meet monthly in committee.
SCRED Agreement
SCRED Bylaws
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