Filter students with custom categories.
By default, eduCLIMBER lets you filter students by common demographics like gender, ethnicity, disability status, etc. But tagging students allows you to group up students however you want to.
TIP: Per eduCLIMBER, adding school/district names, school years, and similar labels to the titles of Tags is unnecessary because when you are filtering students by tags, you can also filter by school, school year, etc.
Intervention Tags
Students with IEPs or Section 504 plans are automatically tagged by eduCLIMBER, and the same is true for English Learners.
Students who receive other types of interventions are tagged manually, typically by their interventionist. The tags listed below are used when districts are analyzing their screening/gradebook data and want to filter to just look at students in interventions. ⚠️ Only one tag is needed — move left-to-right, and if one tag is N/A to the student, move to the next, and so on.
- Reading: ADSIS Reading? ➡️ Title Reading? ➡️ Reading Corps? ➡️ Reading Intervention
- Math: ADSIS Math? ➡️ Title Math? ➡️ Math Corps? ➡️ Math Intervention
- Behavior: ADSIS Behavior? ➡️ Behavior Intervention
Tagging ADSIS students is required because ADSIS tags are used for state reporting. Otherwise, the use of these intervention tags is optional and decided at the district/building level.
ADSIS (Required)
Every student who receives ADSIS services at any point during the school year must be tagged in eduCLIMBER. These tags allow our districts to complete their mandatory reports to MDE.
Add one or more of the following tags: 🏷️ ADSIS Reading, 🏷️ ADSIS Math, and/or 🏷️ ADSIS Behavior:
⚠️ You are not required to use the EXIT tags (e.g., "ADSIS Reading EXIT"). What your district needs for MDE reporting is for the student to have an ADSIS tag, period. It doesn't matter if it's a normal one or an EXIT one. When schools do use the EXIT tags, it's because — mid-school year — they want to be able to filter out students who are no longer receiving ADSIS services vs. students who still are. If you do plan to use the EXIT tags, here's 🎥 how to swap a normal ADSIS tag for an exit tag (1:12).
Related Topics
- You can sort by Tags when you're creating Charts.
- You can sort by Tags when you're creating Data Walls.
Tech Support
Email [email protected] to submit a support ticket. Support staff at the SCRED office will address your issue ASAP and wrap in a Services Coordinator if needed.
You can also check out eduCLIMBER's page on Tags.