
We host several school-based and community programs.

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School-Based Programs

Chisago County Schools' Life Work Center - A transition program for students 18-22 years old who have successfully completed the requirements necessary for a high school diploma, yet are still making progress towards goals and objectives in the transition areas. The community-based program emphasizes employment and independent living skills and works in collaboration with students, families, and community agencies.

SOAR (Skillbuilding Opportunities for Academic Resiliency) - An educational program designed to support students K-12 who demonstrate significant communication and behavioral needs. SOAR increases students’ independence and skills in the areas of functional communication and self-regulation.  

Pathway to Change (PTC) - An educational program designed for students K-12 who demonstrate significant behavioral needs. PTC builds students’ fluency in a complex repertoire of social and emotional skills and their capacity to generalize these skills across settings with the ultimate goal of returning to the mainstream school setting.

Pine County Transition Program - A transition program for students 18-22 years old who have successfully completed the requirements necessary for a high school diploma, yet are still making progress towards goals and objectives in the transition areas. The community-based program emphasizes employment and independent living skills and works in collaboration with students, families, and community agencies.

Vision Program - An educational program for students grades K-12 whose emotions or behaviors significantly impact their ability to make progress in a less restrictive setting.  The primary goal of the program is to provide social skills and educational support to acquire skills in the emotional, behavioral, social and academic areas and return to the mainstream school as soon as possible.


Community Programs

Adult Basic Education (ABE) - An educational program designed to assist people 17 years and older who are not currently enrolled in a K-12 program in earning their GED or high school diploma, or to brush up on basic skills or English as a Second Language.

County Collaboratives - Both Chisago and Pine counties have Children's Collaboratives, dedicated to improving the services for children and families in their counties.  SCRED hosts several of the positions funded by the county collaboratives. 

Project SEEK - A summer enrichment program for students grades 1-7 who demonstrate high potential, talent, and creativity.

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) - A group of parents/guardians and teachers from the SCRED member districts who give input into the decision-making process of SCRED and who advocate for high quality general and special education programming for their students.

We R Able - A program designed to enable adults with disabilities to participate in lifelong learning.

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