Synergy SIS

Synergy is a Student Information System (SIS) website that each of our member districts uses to manage their student data — e.g., attendance, demographics, discipline, grades, etc.


Log In

Each member district maintains its own Synergy website. You will log in using your Google account — use the Google "waffle" menu and click the Synergy icon for the district you are logging into.

Google waffle

Member district staff log into Synergy the same way, but they just see the Synergy icon without a district logo (because they only have one Synergy website to log into).


Tips and Tricks

The vast majority of training and tech support regarding Synergy is provided by our member districts. That said, we've indexed a few miscellaneous tips below that SCREDsters have found helpful.



Related Topics

Learn about the key features of eduCLIMBER, a website that automatically imports data from Synergy and allows staff in our member districts to create charts, smart spreadsheets, and other visualizations of student data that aid us in making data-based decisions.

Tech Support

The vast majority of training and tech support regarding Synergy is provided by our member districts. SCRED staff who are assigned to a specific district (e.g., School Psychologists) are provided with Synergy access during that district's onboarding process.

That said, some SCREDsters may need to email [email protected] to help obtain access to Synergy. For example, Services Coordinators who work across multiple districts would need to request access.

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