🎥 What does it mean? Assessment is the process of gathering evidence aligned to a specific purpose to be used in making educational decisions that improve the learning conditions for all students.
A variety of assessment types and tools are used within the education system (classroom, school district, statewide), and the results should be used according to the intended purpose and the level of specificity of the information produced.
Together, information from each system layer and assessment type describes the learning outcomes in relation to the defined expectations for all students. Assessments must be designed and validated for specific purposes.
The Universal Screening Packet documents the screening plan that all of our member districts agree to follow.
What universal screening measures are used in our member districts, during which testing windows (i.e., fall, winter, spring), and in which grade levels?
The primary purpose of the Target and Rate of Improvement (ROI) Packet is to provide the information that interventionists and special educators need in order to set appropriate goals for students receiving interventions.
This document supports interventions in all learning areas (e.g., academics, SEL, daily living skills).
We use FastBridge to administer academic and SEL assessments in K-12. Follow that link to access login and training resources on our website. You can use the links below to learn more about the assessments we use in FastBridge:
Learn about available accommodations for FastBridge and for GOM Testing.
We use TS GOLD to assess developmental progress for 3-5 year old students enrolled in preschool. GOLD is an authentic observation-based tool that assesses whole child development across 10 domains. Follow the link to access login info. and learn more about TS GOLD.
Measurement Committee
The Measurement Committee is a cross-district group of stakeholders who gather together to provide input on decisions regarding what assessments are being administered, when, and to whom. These meetings are also an opportunity to ask and answer assessment-related questions.
There are three meetings throughout the school year, about a week prior to the fall, winter, and spring testing windows, respectively. Principals, curriculum directors, and other key stakeholders (e.g., assessment coordinators) are invited to these meetings.
Here is the group's running agenda.
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Our districts use the eduCLIMBER website to visualize and analyze assessment data.
If you have an assessment question, please reach out to one of the individuals listed below.