Key Features
eduCLIMBER automatically imports data from Synergy, FastBridge, etc. We also enter data directly into eduCLIMBER —e.g., the progress monitoring data for students who are receiving interventions. In rare cases, screening data is hand-entered (e.g., Algebra Probes).

Below, discover the tools that will be most useful to you! You can also 🎥 tour eduCLIMBER's home page (7:08), browse these slides to get the lay of the land, or learn about 🎥 "Top Secret Mode" (4:34), which obscures students' names/photos so you can protect data privacy when displaying data.
How are a group of students doing?
Use bar charts to visualize assessments, letter grades, discipline referrals, attendance, etc. You can also drill down to look at individual students. For example, you can click on the red part of a bar chart and see a list of high risk students.
Data Walls
Spreadsheets that auto-update.
Pull up multiple pieces of data on a group of students — discipline, grades, attendance, screening assessments, high school credits — and you have tools at your fingertips to leave comments, tag students, and more.
Folders, for saving and sharing stuff.
When you pull up a chart or a spreadsheet, often you'll want to pin it to a collection. This makes it easy to find your stuff later rather than having to recreate it from scratch, and it also allows you to easily share the data with your colleagues.
Filter students with custom categories.
By default, eduCLIMBER lets you filter students by common demographics like gender, ethnicity, disability status, etc. But tagging students allows you to group up students however you want to.
An autopilot that finds students and completes tasks.
eduCLIMBER can comb through your data on whatever schedule you want, watch out for whatever data "thresholds" you specify, and when students trigger those thresholds eduCLIMBER can automatically email people, tag the students, or generate paperwork for the students.
Students 3D
eduCLIMBER's Google Search.
It lets you search for students with a certain assessment performance, discipline incident count, grade level, disability status, ethnicity, etc. You can even combine these searches to quickly isolate a group of students who meet a certain set of criteria.
Fast, one-stop data entry that puts accessible graphs at the whole team’s fingertips.
eduCLIMBER makes data entry super efficient — you can pull up a spreadsheet and update a ton of student graphs all at once. It also makes that progress monitoring data accessible to the educators who need it, when they need it.
For students receiving interventions, this is Mission Control.
Meetings let you run through a list of students, and for each student, their progress monitoring graphs, grades, assessments, discipline, and attendance data are a click away.
Mass-generate student reports + make Google Forms that you can attach data to.
smartFORMS make paperwork much more efficient. Imagine a school quickly generating student reports for parent-teacher conferences that include multiple pieces of student data. Imagine a Google Form for referring students, but instead of looking up data and describing it, teachers can simply pin a chart to the Form.
Student Profile
Like a Facebook profile page, with all of a student's data.
When you view individual students in eduCLIMBER, you can see assessment scores, grades, attendance, discipline, and more.