
Varying degrees of vision loss can significantly impact a student's ability to learn and participate in a classroom setting. Current research estimates that for typical learners, 95% of all learning is through the distance senses and 80% of learning is through vision. Teachers should be aware of their students' individual vision needs and provide accommodations to support their learning and participation in the classroom.

  • Mild vision loss: Students with mild vision loss may have difficulty seeing small print or objects, which can make it challenging to read textbooks or see presentations from a distance. They may also require additional lighting or larger text sizes to aid in their reading.
  • Moderate vision loss: Students with moderate vision loss may have more difficulty reading, writing, and seeing classroom materials, even with the aid of glasses or contacts. They may require additional accommodations, such as magnifiers or screen readers, to help them access classroom content.
  • Severe vision loss: Students with severe vision loss may require significant accommodations to support their learning, such as braille materials, audio recordings, or a teacher's aide to assist with note-taking and other tasks.
  • Blindness: Students who are blind may require extensive accommodations, such as a braille instructor, a guide dog, or a classroom aide to assist with mobility and learning tasks.


Educator Resources


Parent/Family Resources


General Resources


Transition Age Resources


Free Braille Books Resources



Related Topics

  • Visit our Assistive Technology (AT) Tools page to learn about how AT can support students’ vision needs.
  • If you suspect that a child may have a disability in this area, visit our Special Education page to learn about Minnesota’s disability categories.


Click MoreIf a student with an IFSP or IEP exhibits vision needs, their team may include one of the educators listed below.

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