We refer to "life skills," "21st century skills," "behavior MTSS," etc. interchangeably. Everything that happens in a school falls under this umbrella if it helps students and staff to build these competencies:

Life Skills Website
The Life Skills website was established in the spring of 2020 as a "virtual calming room" for our member districts, and it's linked directly from their websites. It is the home of Be Good People, a curriculum developed by SCRED staff that is now used internationally.
Tier 1
Tier 1 = core, universal. The instruction, supports, procedures, etc. that all students in the school experience. The resources below are applicable to staff working at any level of the MTSS framework (including SpEd) because Tier 1 is the foundation.
- Tier 1 Practices The "ultimate classroom management resource" designed to support the continuous improvement process. We also have a Problem Solving offshoot of the main Guide that helps teachers to address behaviors of concern using Tier 1 strategies and Tier 1 interventions (e.g., the Good Behavior Game).
- Academic Integration Get ideas for how you can intentionally optimize academic routines (e.g., peer feedback rituals, group work, etc.) to support life skills.
- Be Good People Curriculum Our free, locally-developed, PreK-12 curriculum. Nearly all schools in our member districts provide explicit life skills instruction in their core, and most of them use Be Good People in this capacity. Other curriculums used at Tier 1 in our districts include Second Step.
- More Tier 1 Topics Check out tools and info. concerning discipline systems (e.g., major/minor charts, example restorative consequences), threat assessment, suicide and self-harm risk assessment, and more.
Tier 2
These are supplemental "plug and play" intervention programs that work similarly for all students receiving them. Because of this predictability, we can easily match interventions with student needs, and the intervention should be rapidly accessible.
- Tier 2 Interventions When the core alone isn't enough, we need highly-efficient standardized interventions that we can quickly match students with. Our index of Tier 2 interventions includes fidelity checklists, progress monitoring tips, and more!
- Curriculums Browse an index of life skills curriculums, many of which are freely available, to help you plan an effective scope and sequence of instruction for your Tier 2 intervention.