Training and Certification

Accessing the Training Modules

Click the 'Training & Resources' tab to access a library of training modules about how to administer individual assessments, access available charts, and more!

You can take certification quizzes for every topic on this page. Certification is mandatory for any assessments that you will administer to students. Under the "FastBridge Assessments" heading near the top of the page, open the modules for any assessments you will administer to students.

If you're brand new to FastBridge, we recommend scrolling down to the bottom of the training page to the "Getting Started" heading. These modules explain the basics of navigating FastBridge, setting up assessment groups, etc. Certification in these areas is optional.

If you're not sure what screening and progress monitoring assessments students in your school participate in, check out our Assessment webpage.




Our districts make important decisions based on the data we collect, and therefore the data must be valid and reliable. Each district needs a plan for how they are to ensure that proctors are following standardized procedures.

The Measurement Committee (which includes representative from each SCRED member district) determined the following:

  • If using same measures, certification every 3 years (FastBridge recommends yearly, so can be more, up to building's discretion).
  • However, prior to each assessment window, assessment coordinators need to meet with proctors and review measures and directions, scoring procedures, etc.

Fidelity checks and/or certifications are done:

  • 1x per year for gr 2-6,
  • Each term for K & 1 (new measures only)

Re-certification in FastBridge: if you click on the word "Passed" you can click "ok" and retake certification.

Specialists can access the certification report to show who passed their certifications:

  1. Click on reporting in the blue menu across the top of the screen
  2. Click on certification report
  3. Select appropriate school
  4. To get the names click on the green of the pie chart to see which teachers passed on that measure


"Sandbox" Account

The "sandbox" training account lets you test out things in FastBridge (e.g., setting up a progress monitoring probe) without affecting real students.

Username: exploreMN
Password: exploreMN

If you take assessments in this account, you need to be viewing the system as a teacher whose last name is Sandbox. There is a Sandbox teacher in each grade level.



Related Topics

Learn about the cross-district Measurement Committee that includes stakeholders from each of our member districts. This group provides input regarding which assessments we administer, when, and how (e.g., training requirements).

Tech Support

Email [email protected] to submit a support ticket. Support staff at the SCRED office will address your issue ASAP and wrap in a Services Coordinator if needed. 

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