SpEd Forms, Inc. is a software company based in Jasper, MN.
SCRED, our member districts, and the vast majority of MN school districts use SpEd Forms to write and store special education and Section 504 paperwork.
SpEd Forms 2.0
SpEd Forms has been upgrading the look and feel of their website to Version 2.0. Eventually, they will phase out Version 1.0 of the website. Here's 🎥 how to upgrade to SpEd Forms 2.0 (7:48).
Log In
You will log in to SpEd Forms using your school Google account — here's how to set up your school Google account to be your login.
After you have set up your Google account as your login, you can open SpEd Forms by clicking on the Google "waffle" and clicking the SpEd Forms icon:

Features and Tips
Finalizing Documents
When writing IEPs, evaluations, PWNs, etc. in SpEd Forms, we're looking at the "working" versions of these documents rather than "finalized" copies. Think of a finalized copy as a snapshot photo of the working document at a specific point in time. It's a permanent digital copy and is available in the 'History' menu in SpEd Forms
Whenever paperwork is sent to parents and also printed and filed in a student's special education folder, it must be finalized in SpEd Forms. For example, as long as you have remembered to finalize an IEP after the annual IEP meeting, you can complete an amendment later in the school year and both versions of the document will be available for reference in the future. Finalizing documents is also important because SpEd Forms often updates their forms over the summer months, and in these instances, data from unfinalized documents is lost.