Clear Vision
SCRED's Mission, Values, and Vision are the foundation of our Strategic Plan.
Our Mission (Why?) is "Maximizing outcomes through partnership." Outcomes for students, staff, families, and communities. We maximize them through partnership, which is more than a simple division of duties between SCRED and our member districts. Our partnerships are built and sustained through mutual trust, reciprocal communication, systems thinking, shared ownership, and unity.
Our core Values (How?)—Collaborate, Innovate, Advocate—make it possible to accomplish our Mission. They are the foundation of SCRED's culture and act as a compass to all SCRED staff as they partner with our schools.
Finally, our clear Vision (What?) is the five components of the MnMTSS framework. The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) comprehensive framework encompasses all of a district's operations, and it guides districts to operate efficiently and meet all students' needs through layered supports. As a complementary organization to our member districts, all of SCRED's work serves the purpose of sustaining and strengthening the MTSS frameworks of each member district.
Continuous Improvement
To put our Vision of MTSS into practice, we partner with our member districts to engage in a dynamic array of long-term implementation projects. Each project follows the four stages of Implementation Science across multiple school years.

In the true spirit of "Kaizen" (continuous improvement) this is an uninterrupted cycle of change for the better. The process is both robust and responsive, allowing us to stay in tune with the evolving needs of our member districts. We do not construct rigid 3-year or 5-year plans, and we also don't attempt to box implementation projects into single school years.
SCRED's services are organized into major areas:
- Academics
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Behavior
- Early Childhood
- Low Incidence disabilities
- MTSS Infrastructure
- Special Services
- SCRED Organizational Operations
Within each service area, numerous projects are always in motion. They are organized using an internal hub (see template) with links to implementation plans (see template) for each project.
These projects are prioritized based on the contents of each district's strategic plan. In fact, when a member district has a comparable structure for multi-year implementation projects, the same implementation plan is linked to from both the SCRED strategic hub and the district's strategic hub. Additional input comes through annual meetings with school board members, superintendents, principals, SpEd teacher representatives, family representatives, and SCRED staff.
Strong team structures are essential to continuous improvement. Browse the SCRED Linked Teams Flowchart to learn about how each team supports our Strategic Plan.
Member district employees are part of SCRED-facilitated teams, and SCRED employees are part of member district-facilitated teams. Check out a snapshot of how SCRED teams link to member district teams.
SCRED staff are Vikings, Jaguars, Dragons, Wildcats, Eagles, and Tigers. It doesn’t matter if individual SCRED employees are assigned to one district or to six – when they are in a member district, they are part of that district.
Each service area has defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that they monitor with member district partners via stable "data routines."
KPIs are outcome metrics, which indicate the extent to which implementation projects and system enhancements are actually benefiting students, staff, families, and communities.
Progress on our Strategic Plan is shared primarily through Service Area Reports and our Annual Report.
Service Area Reports
Service Area Reports are presented to the Superintendents Operating Committee (SOC) and the SCRED Governing Board, respectively. These reports are made on a rotating monthly schedule—each service area reports once per year.
Annual Report
Each September, our Executive Director presents a written Annual Report to SCRED's Governing Board. The Governing Board members, in turn, share the SCRED Annual Report with the school board in their district.
Please reach out if you would like to discuss or have questions about the SCRED Strategic Plan.