Human Resources

The Master Teacher Agreement is negotiated with the SCRED Education Association (Local #7389) and covers teacher rights, schedules and rates of pay, health insurance, leaves of absence, hours of service, length of school year, and more.



Use the Skyward website to access payroll/tax information (e.g., check history, W2s) and to request time off (e.g., documenting sick and personal days).


In order to log in to Skyward, use the Google "waffle" and click the Skyward icon. It will log you in using your Google account — no password needed!

Google waffle


Attendance Reporting

Sick Leave

  1. As soon as the decision to stay home is made, inform your direct supervisor at SCRED, SCRED support staff (if applicable), and others impacted (e.g., your building Principal, staff who you were meeting with that day)
  2. Enter into Skyward within one week.
  3. Reflect the absence on Google Calendar.

Absences lasting longer than 5 consecutive days will require a note from a doctor.

Personal/Vacation Days

  1. Enter into Skyward prior to the planned absence.
  2. Inform any impacted parties of any schedule changes.
  3. Reflect personal/vacation days on Google Calendar.
  4. Create an out of office email message and voicemail message.


Health Insurance


Injury Reporting

If you are injured:

  1. Complete a First Report of Injury Form.
  2. Contact our Business Manager and Office Manager.
  3. The Business Manager/Office Manager then contacts the injury hotline.


Notices / Resources




Click MoreIf you have questions about the items on this page, please reach out to our Business Manager.

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